Sunday, July 28, 2019

Policing And Its History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Policing And Its History - Research Paper Example Under the reign of King Alfred, the structure of internal police force was established, under which different landowners were required to protect the territories of the kingdom, and arrest criminals, as well as bring them to trials. Furthermore, a group of citizens founded their own force, in order to keep the King’s police in check and to see that it does not abuse its power. Thus, these citizens made a force which guaranteed them mutual protection, and also was responsible for catching criminals and giving them to the King’s police. These citizens called themselves ‘tythingmen’, and gradually their numbers reached hundred, and they became in charge of the organization of court, and handled civil matters and disagreements.\ After the Norman invasion of England in 1066, a few changes were made to the old system of justice. The ‘tythingmen’ lost some of their power, as Sheriffs were introduced. These sheriffs were in control of local law enforcement, and were directly appointed by the King, and were answerable to him. The hundred ‘tythingmen’ were upgraded to the ‘Court of Tourn’. The Court attended several numerous, most of which were related to small crimes and civil disobedience. But a few men from the Court were placed in charge of more grave matters, which could only be solved by them. A ‘Court Leet’ was also established, which was to attend all local village matters, and the head of this court was called ‘Comes Stable’, which later changed to Constable- a term still used for police officials. In the 1700s, this system of justice and law started to disintegrate, as the kingdom began to expand and cities were established. The constables became fraudulent and did not take their jobs seriously. Bribes became common among the police force, and criminals were able to escape without being punished or imprisoned. Charges were dropped and crime flourished in the cities. Finally, in the

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